Tattoo AfterCare

The traditional way

Day 1: After the Session

  1. Bandage: After finishing the tattoo, I will cover it with a special bandage or wrap. Keep it on for 2-4 hours to avoid contact with dirt and bacteria.
  2. Removing the bandage: Carefully remove the bandage, wash your hands, and gently wash the tattoo with warm water and antibacterial, mild soap. Use your fingers, not sponges or other tools.
  3. Drying: Allow the tattoo to air dry or gently pat it dry with a clean paper towel. Do not rub the tattoo!

First Week: Primary Care

  1. Moisturizing: After washing, apply a thin layer of a specialized tattoo aftercare cream (like Bepanthen, Aquaphor, or a similar product). Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.
  2. Avoid friction: Avoid wearing tight clothing that may rub against the tattoo.
  3. Sun protection: Keep the tattoo out of direct sunlight. Avoid tanning during the healing process.
  4. No swimming: Do not swim in pools, the sea, or other bodies of water for the first 2-3 weeks.
  5. Night protection: If the tattoo is in a place where it may rub against bedding, cover it with a clean wrap at night.

Second-Third Week: Transition Period

  1. Continue moisturizing: Keep applying cream, but reduce the frequency to 1-2 times a day.
  2. Peeling and itching: The skin may start to peel and itch. Do not scratch the tattoo or pick at the skin to avoid scarring.
  3. Watch for infection: If you notice signs of infection (severe redness, swelling, or pus), consult a doctor immediately.

Fourth Week and Beyond: Final Care

  1. Ongoing care: Continue applying cream until the tattoo is fully healed.
  2. Sun protection: Even after healing, protect the tattoo from the sun by using a high SPF sunscreen.
  3. Regular check-ups: Periodically check the tattoo for any changes in color or texture. If something seems off, please text me.

AfterCare with second skin

Day 1: After the Session

  1. Second Skin: I will apply a special “Second Skin” film over the tattoo to protect it from bacteria while allowing the skin to breathe. Leave the film on the tattoo for 1-4 days.
  2. Checking the film: If a significant amount of fluid (blood, plasma, ink) accumulates under the film and it starts to peel off, you may remove it earlier than 24 hours.

Replacing the Film or Aftercare After Removal

  1. Removing the film: After 1-4 days, carefully remove the “Second Skin” and gently wash the tattoo with warm water and mild antibacterial soap.
  2. Drying: Allow the tattoo to air dry or gently pat it dry with a clean paper towel.

Second Stage: Aftercare After Removing the “Second Skin”

  1. Moisturizing: After cleaning, apply a thin layer of tattoo aftercare cream (Aquaphor, Bepanthen, or a similar product) 2-3 times a day. Avoid over-moisturizing; apply a thin layer.
  2. Avoid friction: Refrain from wearing tight or rough clothing that may rub against the tattoo.
  3. Avoid sun exposure: Keep the tattoo out of direct sunlight, as it can damage the healing skin.
  4. No swimming: Avoid submerging the tattoo in water (pools, baths, sea) for 2-3 weeks.

Over the Next 2-3 Weeks

  1. Peeling and itching: During the healing process, the skin may peel and itch. This is normal, but do not scratch the tattoo or pick at peeling skin.
  2. Continue moisturizing: Keep applying cream until the tattoo is fully healed, about 2-3 times a day.

After Full Healing

  1. Sun protection: Even after the tattoo is healed, apply sunscreen with high SPF to maintain the brightness of the colors.
  2. Check the tattoo’s condition: Regularly check the tattoo for any changes in color or texture, and if you have any concerns, please text me.